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Custom Application Development

Mobile / Tablet Apps

Our comprehensive suite of services includes ERP implementation, upgrades, and ongoing management

Developing comprehensive mobile and tablet applications that deliver exceptional user experiences across all devices.

1. Hybrid apps

We at DSS develop hybrid applications for mobile and tablet, complementing them with native and web app elements for a comprehensive platform presence. Our hybrid apps always apply the most modern cross-platform frameworks to ensure you can target your audience without losing performance and design quality. Hybrid applications allow us to offer quicker development cycles, easier maintenance, and budget-friendly solutions to business’s mobile initiatives. From iPhones to Android, or even to both platforms simultaneously, our hybrid applications are versed in providing the right mix of access, usability, and interactivity.

Revitalizing Efficiency

2. Native device support

Native App Development with Powerful Features

At DSS, we focus on building mobile and tablet apps that leverage the full potential of each device to create an exceptional user experience. Here are some key features we incorporate:

Biometric Authentication

Enhance security and convenience with fingerprint scanning, face recognition, or other modern methods, making login and verification a breeze.

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Location-Based Services

Utilize geo-tagging and geo-fencing to deliver real-time location data for your app. Trigger notifications, activate features, or personalize experiences based on the user’s location.

Camera Integration and File Uploads

Allow users to capture photos and upload files directly within your app, making it easy for them to share documents, images, and other media content.

Revitalizing Efficiency

3. Offline support

Continuous User Interaction

In DSS we feel a mobile phone or tablet application should run smoothly even without an internet connection. That is why our development services include offline support. Our applications synchronize data and store it locally using which you can continue to use fundamental functionalities and retrieve important information even if you are offline.

Why Offline is Important

An app that lacks offline support results in poor user experience, especially in places with unstable network connections. This keeps your app useful and trustworthy, hence leading to high utilization rates and user loyalty. There are also many users who go for remote travel destinations or operate under network disruptions occasionally which makes this feature crucial.

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4. Easy maintenance / upgrade friendly

Built to Evolve: Easy Maintenance and Upgrades

Our application development for mobile and tablet devices at DSS emphasizes the ease of maintaining that app and its upgrade. We understand that your mobile app needs to grow alongside your business. The key to our software development procedure lies in modular designing structure and clean coding which facilitates fast and reliable performance of updates, enhancements, and maintenance programs.

We also provide extensive documentation and follow well-structured update processes to ensure efficient version manipulations that will not involve a significant amount of downtime. We don’t consider our job done after launch. We offer ongoing support to ensure your app stays up-to-date, properly configured, and compliant with industry standards.

Leverage our expertise in developing your mobile apps and we will serve you with a product that isn’t just durable but also easy to continue on with its enhancement as your business demands may change.

Revitalizing Efficiency

5. Faster develop cycle & low cost

We are experts at creating mobile and tablet applications that save you time and money. We build higher quality, faster-performing apps at reasonable prices by being efficient and using modern technologies.

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Here’s How We Do It

Efficient Processes

We use effective project management, reusable codes, and agile frameworks to facilitate project delivery, reduce costs and meet deadlines.

Modern Development Tools

Our applications are developed using the most current frameworks which makes them fast, secure, and scalable.

Faster Development is the Fastest Returns on Investments

This approach leads to shorter development cycles and reduced costs. You can therefore get your app up and running more quickly and see revenues sooner than later. Join us for mobile app development that has no limits!

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Schedule a free consultation with our team to discover how we can help!