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Azure Cloud Native Application Development

Microservices – Azure Kubernetes

Our comprehensive suite of services includes ERP implementation, upgrades, and ongoing management

Utilizing Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) to orchestrate and manage containerized microservices, ensuring scalability and resilience.

Kubernetes Service on Azure: Enabling Business Flexibility

Here at DSS we fully recognize that Kubernetes is gradually becoming a vital component in Cloud-Native applications. Azure Kubernetes(AKS) harnesses our proficient capacity to help you configure and manage your application at an optimal level so that it can scale into the contemporary complex world of digital technology

Revitalizing Efficiency

Key Benefits of AKS with DSS

Effortless Scalability

AKS is capable of both scaling down and scaling up containerized applications based on the demand. This helps achieve the most efficient use of resources at all times, and also prevents wastage of resources to handle traffic at various points in time.

Streamlined Operations

Forget about having to deal with the confusing and complex environment of Kubernetes. AKS manages routine deployment of updates, bug fixes, and resource provisioning so that your developers can devote themselves to creativity.

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DevOps Ready

AKS also works well with Microsoft DevOps as well as other CI/CD solutions to maximize developer effectiveness and increase application development cycle times.

Enhanced Monitoring and Diagnostics

Azure offers integrated Azure Monitor and Azure Log Analytics for the detailed analysis and reporting of your application health. It also includes tools that monitor the application’s performance and detect possible problems.

Unwavering Security and Compliance

AKS also takes advantage of other security-related aspects in that it supports Active Directory integration as well as network policies. This helps to ensure that your applications are secure against growing threats and also conform to the standards of many industries.

Resilient and Highly Available

High availability is one of the core values at AKS. Using a multi-zone cluster structure ensures your applications will be always operational in the event of failures, and response time is faster for geographically dispersed users.

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Cost-Effective Cloud Solution

AKS has an attractive pay-as-you-go pricing model that means you only pay for what you need. This relieves the need to manage the physical servers and virtual machines at an added expense to produce a cost-effective approach.

Accelerate Your Containerized Apps Journey with AKS

Get in touch with DSS to get the real value of AKS and changing the course of your applications. Assisting you in creating sustainable and robust containerized applications that can support the dynamics of your business environment

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