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Application Architecture & Design

Microservice / Monolith Based Application Design

Our comprehensive suite of services includes ERP implementation, upgrades, and ongoing management

Flexibly designed and thoroughly developed solutions you can rely on Microservices

Flexibility and Scalability

Microservice system integration enables building of phenomenal flexibility and scalability which fit dynamic business evolution. Microservices help to manage and deploy applications in more effective way by dissecting them into smaller independent services. Each of them can be created, tested, and implemented separately that rules out the possibility of system-wide failures and supports integration and delivery processes continuously. This modular structure provides great flexibility in application development, making it easier to make changes as needed and incorporate new features without affecting the entire system. Furthermore, microservices enhance efficient resource management and are elastic in a way that an organization can scale up or down depending on the required traffic without compromising on quality. 

Monolithic Design: Versatility and Operational efficiency

Monolithic architecture is a perfect fit for the projects where it is important to create the minimum viable product. Integrated designs cover all the parts of the system and provide a better structure for easy planning, implementation, and testing. This approach is particularly good for simpler applications or a handful of teams as this minimizes the challenges of dealing with multiple services & dependencies. Here, all pieces of the application under development are built from a single code base, which could save time, ease debugging. This design is also cost-effective, as it requires fewer resources and less maintenance compared to microservices.

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Tailored Solutions for Optimal Results

At DSS, we acknowledge that the decision of whether to opt for microservices or monolithic architecture may depend on certain essential factors among which are the size, complexity and further expansion strategies of your project. The team of very experienced architects analyzes your particular requirements and suggests the most effective architecture to accommodate them. Regardless of the chosen approach, we make your application fast and reliable, and easily scalable and maintainable. Drawing on our experience we believe it is possible to offer the perfect combination of flexibility and ease of use in the application architecture that would fit with your company’s vision for the future. 

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